1.if you buy something on the cheap, you do not pay the usual price
2.if you do something on the cheap, you spend less money and get a product or service that is not of the best quality
1.It was a typical BarCap bet - that the subprime problems would be short-lived and that it was picking up assets on the cheap.
2.And, remember, this is all supposed to be in an age of lean startups that can globalize on the cheap. . .
3.It's a gamble. The hedge funds are mostly new to Hollywood. They've been warned against trying to run a studio on the cheap.
4.This could fuel concerns that the two parties are trying to snap up an undervalued asset on the cheap.
5.He got it on the cheap. It is not surprising that it broke down only a week later.
6.The contrast makes it appear as if public-sector pensions can be delivered on the cheap.
7.So Roche may be trying to grab Avastin on the cheap by swooping before those results come out.
8.For a year or more, though, operators are likely to find ways to cope on the cheap.
9.The chief of these was that Mr Bush wanted Arab democracy on the cheap.
10.It had been redone on the cheap in the late 1970s, and the space was not used well.